If you have definite ideas about how things are or how they should be, you’ve probably had someone tell you to “keep an open mind.” Having an open mind is important to succeed in life. Embracing, or at least considering, new ideas and technologies are vital to our...
Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatma Gandhi
Cultivating Success
What does success mean to you? You might define it as having a stable job in a large company where there’s an opportunity for growth, or owning a home. Or maybe your vision of success includes owning your own business or backpacking through Europe every five years....
Creating a Healthy Mindset
Do you feel you could use a healthier attitude toward life? Would you like to approach things in a different way? Is a healthier lifestyle attainable? The stress of modern life can sometimes make it difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, you can start living...
Modern Rules for Team Building When Employees Work at Home
Teamwork increases camaraderie and productivity, but how can employees work together when they’re rarely in the same place? With the increase in remote work, many organizations are looking for new team building strategies. There are many advantages to remote work....
The Art of Organization : 7 Tips
Organization is more important in your life than you may imagine. Organization is so difficult for some people that they feel as if they're just meant to be unorganized. The truth is, however, is that none of us are meant to be unorganized! We're a species that...
How to Spend Your Morning Like a Successful Entrepreneur
Every entrepreneur seems to have a secret to their success. For some, it’s an ability to think outside of the box and take risks. For others, it’s staying humble, even when faced with huge success. While every entrepreneur is different, you’ll notice that there are...
Bring Your Goals to Life
In order to achieve big things in your life, you must be willing to think big. You should dream big and envision your goals to make them happen. Achieving your targets and goals is best achieved when you can imagine every detail of what it is you want to achieve. When...
Are you Afraid of Success
The idea that someone can be afraid of success sounds odd to many people. Fear of failure is easier for most people to comprehend, but a fear of success? It sounds preposterous. After all, who wouldn’t want to be more successful? Perhaps you! Fear of success is a...
Focus on Your Goals
Do you struggle with reaching your goals? One thing that makes goals so difficult to achieve is that it's hard to stay focused enough to keep working towards them. Many of us blame distractions such as work, family, or technology and say that’s the reason why we have...
Rags to Riches
People often say I wish I knew then what I know now but that is not the case here for me. I would not have appreciated or had the patience for the growth then like I do now. I’ve worked for some incredible executives and business owners. Some were...